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    chronic disease 結果共7筆

  • New study highlights aging trends among younger people

    New research from Washington University in St. Louis suggests younger generations are aging faster due to lifestyle and dietary factors. Experts recommend moderate exercise and a natural diet to slow the aging process.
    2024/05/30 15:58
  • Taiwan expands telemedicine services to millions

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare has announced updates to its Rules of Medical Diagnosis and Treatment by Telecommunications, expanding telemedicine services to a larger population under certain conditions, effective July 1. Approximately 2.47 million individuals are expected to benefit from these changes. The updates aim to adapt to the post-COVID-19 healthcare landscape and extend the scope of telemedicine to five special situations, including chronic disease care, end-stage disease care, custody care in correctional facilities, care for the mobility challenged, and care during disasters, communicable diseases, or other significant changes. Minister of Health and Welfare Hsueh Jui-yuan clarified that not all patients can avail of telemedicine services, as evaluation by healthcare units is mandatory, and physicians who violate the rules may face a maximum fine of NT$100,000. The new process combines physical outpatient services with telemedicine to reduce costs and time for patients requiring post-acute care, offering a convenient and seamless healthcare experience. The updated rules broaden the range of medical services that physicians can provide through telecommunication. Additionally, the Ministry has stated that doctors, after evaluating the patient’s stable condition, can now electronically prescribe medication for patients with chronic mental illnesses or in end-stage care, including regulated drugs like morphine.
    2024/01/22 15:27
  • Taiwanese youth obesity crisis raises health concerns

    A concerning rise in obesity among Taiwanese adolescents highlights the urgent need for awareness and intervention. Experts emphasize the link between lifestyle habits and chronic disease risks, advocating for early education on diet and exercise.
    2024/01/18 16:21
  • Taiwan’s Type B flu cases rise as Lunar New Year nears

    Taiwan’s Centers for Disease Control (CDC) warns of a potential flu epidemic around the Lunar New Year due to an increase in Type B influenza infections. Over 6 million government-funded flu vaccines have been administered, with a vaccination rate exceeding 50% among senior citizens. Several counties have reached the target vaccination rate of 55% for seniors. Influenza outpatient and emergency department visits have shown a recent downward trend, but adenoviruses remain the leading respiratory pathogens. H3N2 is more prevalent than H1N1, with a rising proportion of Type B influenza cases. There have been 14 new severe influenza complications and three additional deaths, mainly affecting individuals with chronic illnesses who were unvaccinated. As of December 11, 6.098 million public-funded flu vaccine doses have been administered, achieving a vaccination rate of 50.4%. Officials urge eligible citizens to promptly get vaccinated, as approximately 500,000 doses of government-funded flu vaccine remain.
    2023/12/12 16:59
  • Taiwan monitors bulk drug buys amid China’s health crisis

    The Federation of Taiwan Pharmacists Associations (FTPA) has implemented monitoring of drug purchase patterns, specifically focusing on individuals buying 10 to 20 boxes of cold and cough medicine in one visit. These purchases must now be reported. The FTPA has received reports of bulk purchases by spouses from China and Taiwanese businesspeople, who claim these medications can be sold for a higher price in China. The FTPA emphasizes that medications should not be sold without a prescription and any violations will be reported to authorities. Additionally, there has been a growing trend of spouses from China taking chronic disease medications back to their home country, despite the prohibition of private sale. This development coincides with China’s respiratory disease outbreaks, particularly with an increase in mycoplasma cases.
    2023/12/07 16:36
  • 屍速列車翻版?殭屍鹿病毒恐傳人 襲捲全美爆「現蹤亞洲」

    美洲驚傳「殭屍鹿(Zombie Deer)」病毒肆虐,包含美國多州、加拿大在內的地區,均發現感染「狂鹿症(CWD)」的鹿隻大量死亡的消息;目前已知這種病毒會在動物之間互相傳染,對此專家坦言不能排除「鹿傳人」的隱憂,坦言若是病毒徹底失控,可能會像「狂牛症」一樣讓鹿隻出現強烈攻擊性。而這樣的情況也讓人想起電影《屍速列車》開頭的詭異巧合片段。
    2023/11/19 11:39
  • Flu case surge prompts vaccination plea from physicians

    Physicians are urging the public to get vaccinated against the flu as cold and flu cases surge in Taiwan amid cooling weather. Even healthcare providers are being impacted by the rapid spread of a virulent seasonal virus. ENT Dr. Chang Yi-Hao fell ill with gastroenteritis in late October, experiencing two days of fever. The virus has been particularly aggressive over the past few months. Chang emphasized the importance of vaccination, especially for the elderly, individuals with chronic diseases, and young children with weaker immune systems. Wearing face masks has become routine due to COVID-19, but with the easing of restrictions, there has been a rise in flu and respiratory virus infections. Physicians stress the need for vaccination, particularly for those with lower resistance to disease.
    2023/11/16 21:02
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